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DAF DB250 / Plaxton President #DLP205
Author: straphan pledytorRSS (0)
Uploaded: 2012-02-26 14:45:44
Width: 900, Height: 600
File size: 273.35kB
26 june 2010 - City of London, Tower Hill. And at the end of our little look at tourist buses we have this here Plaxton. Original Tour is part of the Arriva Group, so it's not too surprising that they take over significant numbers of buses from the regular fleet. Reconstructing a bus for tourist use involves (besides taking off the top deck): removing the middle door, changing seats for hard ones, re-profiling the top deck and drilling little holes in the floor of the top deck to channel away the rainwater. Even though these buses are low-floor and adapted to carry disabled people, I've never seen anyone with a wheelchair on them. Little wonder, too - you can't take the wheelchair onto the top deck, and what's the point of paying 20-something quid to ride on the bottom deck if you can do that for free with a regular bus?
en pl gt


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